What is it?
OUSU stands for Oxford University Students' Union and it exists thanks to the 1994 Education Act which guaranteed that students' rights and interests could be represented to their Universities and the national government. In their own words:
"OUSU deals with university-wide issues like fee waiver and bursary negotiations, representation on national debates surrounding higher education and funding, liaising with the local council and much, much more"
We are represented in the OUSU council by the President, the OUSU representative and a student.
What can they do for you?
The Student Advice Service is the only advice, information and advocacy service exclusively available to Oxford University Students. The service is staffed by a full-time manager and two part-time Advisors. They can give you advice on many matters (both welfare-related and academic), but also represent you and support you through any academic issues with the University.
If you want to contact them, you can email them on advice@ousu.ox.ac.uk or call them on 01865 288466.
For more information you can follow this link http://ousu.org/advice/student-advice-service/and find advice on accommodation, funding, life and welfare and transport.
Get involved?
OUSU has many great opportunities to get involved with the University community and the wider Oxford community. From volunteering, campaigning and going sports and societies there is always something for everyone. This is a great way to meet people form other Colleges and break out from the Sant stronghold!
For more information on opportunities please go to: http://ousu.org/get-involved/